RECHAM Consultancy

Social and Environmental Study

We specialize in consulting on the social and environmental impacts of diverse projects such as infrastructure development, mining, and renewable energy. Our team includes specialists in sociology, anthropology, environmental science, and economics.

      1. Measurement/monitoring of water and air pollutants
      2. Initial Environment Examination
      3. Environment Impact Assessment
      4. Planning and design of sewerage and waste management

We work with customers such as government agencies, enterprises, and non-profit organizations to understand and manage the social and environmental implications of their projects and operations, as well as to establish plans for improvement. This includes doing research, offering analysis and suggestions, and assisting customers in putting sustainability and community involvement strategies into action.

Consulting Solutions

Monitoring of water and air pollutants

Our involvement in monitoring water and air pollutants includes developing and executing monitoring programs, collecting and analyzing data, identifying pollution sources, and making suggestions for pollution reduction and control.

Initial Environment Examination

It is critical in ensuring that planned developments and activities are ecologically responsible. IEEs are performed to analyze the probable environmental consequences of a proposed project or activity and to recommend mitigation or avoidance actions.

Environment Impact Assessment

EIAs are done to assess the possible environmental implications of a proposed project or activity and to recommend mitigation or avoidance actions. 

Planning and design of sewage and waste management

We are in charge of providing clients with professional advice and support on all areas of these systems, such as feasibility studies, system design, cost estimates, and project management. 

On-Site Photos

Range of markets

Infrastructure and Development

Infrastructure and development firms frequently hire us to undertake studies and evaluations for prospective projects.

Natural Resource Extraction

We perform research on the social and environmental implications of prospective mines and other extractive industries.


We assist government agencies with policy creation, program execution, and environmental regulatory compliance.


We collaborate with non-governmental organizations to undertake research and assessments that serve to inform their advocacy and policy work.